• December 08, 2024
  • IAFF Oath
    Posted On: Dec 13, 2015


    IAFF Oath Administered to New Members at Swearing In Ceremony

    You, of your own free will do sincerely promise to abide by the laws of the International Association of Fire Fighters and its subordinate local of which you are a member.

    Do you also promise to bear true allegiance to the International Association of Fire Fighters and all for which it stands and never consent to subordinate its interest to those of any other labor organization of which you may now, or hereafter be a member?

    Do you further promise that you will never knowingly wrong a brother, or see him wronged, if in your power to prevent it, and that you will endeavor to subordinate every selfish impulse to the task of elevating the material, intellectual and moral condition of the entire laboring class?

    Do you further solemnly promise on your honor that you will whenever and wherever possible purchase only strictly Union Made goods and you will use your best effort to influence others to do likewise and never become faithless to your obligation?

    To all of this you pledge your honor to observe and keep as long as life remains or until you may be absolved from this obligation by the International Association of Fire Fighters.

    Do you thus promise?


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